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What is Whimsical Art and its importance in children's books?

Writer's picture: Sumitra LSumitra L

As we all already know, developing a child's emotions can be challenging in every parenthood. But, unfortunately, nowadays, most kids are more attached to their phones than anything. Still, the good news is that we can prevent phone addictions by bringing the books with whimsical art illustrations of the modern age closer to their interests.

Impact of Whimsical art in children's book illustrations.

In children's books, illustrations are extremely crucial because they help children focus on book topics. A parent's role is to awaken interest in books by choosing a topic child likes the most. But sometimes, an exciting theme in children's books is not enough to keep the child's attention. And here comes a whimsical art! Of course, the first thing that catches the eye of a kid in the image is color. So whimsical artists always try to make their art illustration more vibrant, playful, and cheerful in children's books.

Tips on how to choose a book for children

Strike a balance - Always try to incorporate a book that brings fun, learning, and challenge in your child’s library.

Point to illustrations - Direct your child's attention to the book illustration, especially when it comes to colorful, whimsical art, and let them choose the book that they like the most.

Find interactive books - When choosing a book that brings fun and knowledge to your child, try to find the one that makes your child ask questions while reading the pages.

Check a subject matter - before giving a book in a child's hands, make sure to check is a book appropriate for your child's maturity level.

Let your child choose - when you take a book from the shelf, let your child flip through pages. The child will tell you if the book has too much text, too much illustration, or the book is just right!

Compare new with previous books - When choosing a new book for your child, compare it with ones he already likes or are her favorites. You can always find something interesting which fits child standards.

Importance of colors in whimsical art children's book illustrations

The reason why children get attached to whimsical art illustrations in books is colors! When artists use bright colors for their art illustrations, they allow kids to better connect to what they see in real life. Art illustrations are awaking and stimulating a child's mind to associate colors from books with natural objects. The colors encourage the development of a child's mind by drawing them into the visual aspect of the books.

How colors of whimsical art from books illustration affect children's mood

As the children are growing, their color range is also getting in its entire shape. When they are born, they see blurry shapes and cannot see objects or faces clear. However, they can recognize bright colors from children's book illustrations like blue, yellow, green, and red at approximately four months old as they get older. These colors can definitely affect their mood. For example, bright yellow color can provoke anger and frustration. But, on the opposite, blue and pastel colors can calm them. So, when you find a book with whimsical art illustration that suits your child, make sure you remember how that can change their mood.

Characters in whimsical art

Whimsical art is not just about bright colors. There are also a variety of different characters that describe it. For example, in children's book illustrations with whimsical art, you can find fairies, dragons, trolls, and monsters with human characteristics. There is everything that the human mind can develop with imagination. Furthermore, whimsical artists can turn everyday objects into humans by adding human characteristics. For example, this is how we have a crocodile with human eyes and eyebrows standing in front of the mirror wearing human clothes in children's book illustrations.

Tips to know what dominant colors from book illustration mean to your child

Blue Color is often connected to peace, clarity, and calmness. This color in whimsical art illustrations can help to relax your kid. A similar effect is with the light purple.

Yellow Color in small amounts can be a stimulant. Otherwise, it can provoke anger and frustration if it is dominant in art illustration.

Green Color is relaxing, and it makes any problem less hard to solve. It also encourages concertation, so your kid can easily focus on their tasks and challenges.

White Color has the significant advantage of just being white. This color in book illustration is often connected with all the good stuff, such as freshness and purity. There are no surprises when you have it anywhere around your kid, such as the color of the walls, their clothes, and toys.

Black color in high amounts in whimsical art can be too much during a child's growth. Sometimes a combination of black and white color can be increased in contrast that even babies can notice.

So, the point is, all of these colors can be mixed and can have various effects on your child's emotion, reaction, and mood. Therefore, it is essential to recognize their response and facial expressions on children's book illustrations in the early stage. In addition, illustrations and books that include various colors and their matching can really improve your child's perception of the world and teach him to compare colors he has seen with the colors around him.

Benefits of whimsical art

Whimsical illustrations can boost a child's imagination and make their minds think in a new, creative way. Moreover, the range of emotions and feelings it creates can make children perceive the real world much more playful and innovative. Thus, whimsical art can be an excellent tool in a child's mental development which is crucial in the early stages of their life.

Art plays a crucial role in a child's development even though people do not pay too much attention. Every parent that introduces art to their children can expect them to have more imagination, self-thinking, perception of the surroundings, creative thinking, and last but not least, emotional bonding between each other.

Provoke creativity in your children by teaching them how to create whimsical art

One more beautiful way to bring whimsical art closer to your children is to teach them how to do it themselves. One good thing about not illustrated books is that your child can originally illustrate them. Just give them a little lesson. You will be surprised how fast they can remember information about creativity and artistic creation! We live in the 21 century, and there are many tools you can use to teach them how to create their whimsical book illustration. Later on, you can use these drawings to decorate a child's room.

Whimsical art will always be a way to introduce art to your children. As long as the illustrations in the books are colorful and joyful, a child's imagination can be the same. It is important to present this way of art with the right approach and patience from the parent's side. Young children are quick learners, so don't be surprised if your child grows into a whimsical art creator and lover.

Author: Milica Bjelic


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